Net Metering

What is Net Metering?

The net metering initiative may be used by electricity consumers in Ontario who generate some of their own energy from a renewable resource. Net metering enables you to send surplus electricity from renewable resources to the distribution system for a credit towards your electricity bill. For a successive 12-month period, excess generation credits can be carried forward to offset future electricity bills. Customers with net meters can now combine energy storage with renewable energy systems.

How Do I Get Started?

  1. Find out more about the process: Contact us and we will provide you with the technical specifications, the approval process and how to get your net metering contract. You should also contact the Electrical Safety Authority of Ontario (ESA), as your system must be inspected and approved by the ESA to guarantee that it is correctly connected to the grid.
  2. Investigate your alternatives for renewable energy: information can be provided by renewable energy organizations, advisors and suppliers. For urban clients, a solar system may be the best renewable energy choice as wind or water systems require ample space and may not be permitted under zoning regulations. In rural areas, wind, water or agricultural biomass energy may be an option.
  3. Determine the size of the generation unit that will suit your needs: use your prior bills as a starting point to tailor your system to your individual energy demand. Since your credits can only be carried forward for 12 months, oversizing a generation system does not increase the benefits.
DER ClassificationRating

≤ 10 kW


Small(a) ≤ 500 kW connected on distribution system voltage < 15 kV
(b) ≤ 1 MW connected on distribution system voltage ≥ 15 kV
Mid-Sized(a) ≤10 MW but > 500 kW connected on distribution system voltage < 15 kV
(b) > 1 MW but ≤ 10 MW connected on distribution system voltage ≥ 15 kV

> 10 MW


If you have any questions regarding the Net Metering initiative, please contact NT Power's Generation Team Email: Click here to show mail address


Application Process 
1.    Preliminary Information Request

  • The client proposing the installation of renewable generation should request basic information on generation interconnection from NT Power, Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) and other applicable external agencies involved
  • The customer will need to fill out the Preliminary Consultation Information Request form to DER Team (Click here to show mail address) which includes the nameplate rated capacity of the proposed generator, the fuel type, type of technology, and the location proposed
  • NT Power will review and issue a Preliminary Consultation Report

2.    Connection Application Request

  • If the Preliminary Consultation results are positive, the customer may select to proceed with the connection by submitting a Form C – DER Connection Application Form and applicable supporting documentation to the DER Team

3.    Application Review and Offer to Connect

  • NT Power will perform a more formal assessment of the impact of connecting the generation project to the system and provide its results to the customer
  • If the customer meets all the requirements, NT Power will issue an Offer to Connect, which will include the estimated costs required for the connection of the generation project

4.    The Decision to Proceed and Install

  • If the customer decides to proceed with the installation of their proposed generation, they will issue a payment to NT Power for the fees outlined in the Offer to Connect and will return a signed copy of the Connection Agreement to NT Power
  • Customer is responsible for all applicable permits 

5.    Authorization to Connect

  • For NT Power to proceed with scheduling the connection, you must provide signed ESA Connection Authorization
  • We will work with you to install a new bi-directional meter and set up the appropriate settlement arrangement based on the project type

NOTE: Applicants are free to terminate the connection process during any stages, however, notification of termination is to be submitted to NT Power at Click here to show mail address


Application Process 
1.    Preliminary Information Request

  • The client proposing the installation of renewable generation should request basic information on generation interconnection from NT Power, Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) and other applicable external agencies involved
  • The customer will need to fill out the Preliminary Consultation Information Request form
  • Please submit the Preliminary Consultation Information Request form here.
  • NT Power will review and issue a Preliminary Consultation Report

2.    Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) Application

3.    Application Completeness Screening Process & Statement of Work

  • NT Power is to confirm submission completeness with the applicant through multiple rounds of reviews until NT Power acquires sufficient information which then and only then, the application proceeds
  • If the applicant does not return the revised application within 14 days, the distributor may remove the application from the processing queue. If the application is removed from the queue, it may be treated as a new application once it is resubmitted.
  • After we review the application package, you will need to submit a signed Statement of Work along with payment for the CIA.

4.    Connection Impact Assessment & Connection Cost Agreement

  • NT Power will perform a more formal assessment of the impact of connecting the generation project to the system and provide its results to the customer
  • A Hydro One Connection Impact Assessment may also be performed, if required
  • NT Power will issue an CIA report, outlining applicable requirements and estimated costs required for the connection of the generation project
  • If you decide to proceed with the project, NT Power will prepare and the customer must sign a Connection Cost Agreement and include applicable connection cost payment(s)

5.    Design and Build

  • The customer will begin construction and installation work. You must work closely with NT Power and the ESA to organize work, inspections, approvals an/or licenses
  • You must submit final detailed design documents for review

6.    Commissioning and Verification

  • The customer will provide a commissioning verification report certified by a Professional Engineer. The commissioning report shall be submitted for approval before the operation of the generation project

7.    Connection Agreement

  • You will need to complete and submit the Connection Agreement prior to energization
  • A letter of equivalency will also need to be completed by an independent Professional Engineer

8.    Authorization to Connect

  • For NT Power to proceed with scheduling the energization, you must provide signed ESA Connection Authorization
  • We will work with you to install a new bi-directional meter and set up the appropriate settlement arrangement based on the project type

NOTE: Applicants are free to terminate the connection process during any stages, however, notification of termination is to be submitted to NT Power at Click here to show mail address

Medium to Large

Medium and Large-sized generation facilities typically involve business or industrial establishments. These systems usually involve complex technical and financial issues and should only be considered if the client has considerable generation experience.  

Application Process 
1.    Preliminary Information Request

  • The client proposing the installation of renewable generation should request basic information on generation interconnection from NT Power, Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) and other applicable external agencies involved
  • The customer will need to fill out the Preliminary Consultation Information Request form
  • Please submit the Preliminary Consultation Information Request form here.
  • NT Power will review and issue a Preliminary Consultation Report

2.    Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) Application 

3.    Application Completeness Screening Process & Statement of Work

  • NT Power is to confirm submission completeness with the applicant through multiple rounds of reviews until NT Power acquires sufficient information which then and only then, the application proceeds
  • If the applicant does not return the revised application within 14 days, the distributor may remove the application from the processing queue. If the application is removed from the queue, it may be treated as a new application once it is resubmitted
  • After we review the application package, you will need to submit a signed Statement of Work along with payment for the CIA

4.    Connection Impact Assessment & Connection Cost Agreement

  • Medium-sized projects require an assessment from NT Power and upstream transmitter Hydro One (HONI)
  • Large-sized projects also require a System Impact Assessment (SIA) from the IESO
  • NT Power will perform distribution assessment concurrently 
  • Upon receiving successful assessments from NT Power, Hydro One and/or IESO, the customer can choose to continue with the generation installation
  • A Connection Cost Agreement will be sent to the customer detailing the cost as well as all requirements for the installation. Once the customer pays the offer to connect costs, the customer, NT Power, Hydro One and/or IESO will commit to a schedule, a form of information exchange and the scope of work
  • Hydro One and/or IESO will assign a project manager to oversee any Hydro One/IESO work that may be required

5.    Design and Build

  • The customer will begin construction and installation work. You must work closely with NT Power, Hydro One, IESO and the ESA to organize work, inspections, approvals an/or licenses 
  • You must submit final detailed design documents for review

6.    Commissioning and Verification

  • The customer will provide a commissioning verification report certified by a Professional Engineer. The commissioning report shall be submitted for approval before the operation of the generation project
  • Hydro One’s project manager will co-ordinate all transfer trip and NMS point testing

7.    Connection Agreement 

  • You will need to complete and submit the Connection Agreement prior to energization
  • A letter of equivalency will also need to be completed by an independent Professional Engineer

8.    Authorization to Connect

  • For NT Power to proceed with scheduling the energization, you must provide signed ESA Connection Authorization
  • We will work with you to install a new bi-directional meter and set up the appropriate settlement arrangement based on the project type

NOTE: Applicants are free to terminate the connection process during any stages, however, notification of termination is to be submitted to NT Power at Click here to show mail address


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the process take?

The process is dependent on size for small and medium sized projects it may take anywhere from 3 to 6 months.

How much does the process cost?

Prices can vary depending on project scope please submit an application for pricing.

Am I eligible for Generation?

Please make an application to determine eligibility.

How many credits do I have?

Please refer to your monthly hydro bill as it will indicate you current credit balance.

How much does a generation system cost?

Please contact a renewable generation installation company for costs.



Preliminary Consultation Information Request Submission

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